advantage 1APP

the Vision

1APP is the next generation game. It makes a wish the subject of the game. The subject is a free society, free of money and full of fantastic opportunities for all people.1APP doesn’t dream, 1APP is programmed to do just that.

Companies get unlimited coverage for all expenses.

People receive the equivalent of € 300 per hour minimum wage (in 1APP-Points). All players in 1App are rich.

Nobody rules the game. There are no legal persons. The game is based on a Perr-to-Peer structure in which all players have the same rights.

Some „experts“ claim that you would be too good with 1APP – we disagree:

„Everyone should always strive for the highest that he can achieve.“












see it pragmatically

You do your job and you get paid with money. It’s good.

In 1APP you get additional points for everything you do.

You don’t have to change your life to play 1APP. You just need someone to post a challenge to you in 1APP for things you’ve done.

You can use points to pay in 1APP offers. These can be discounts, offers or even complete products.

1APP does not cost anything, you get the points in addition to your money.

If you can pay anything with points, you don’t need to spend any money at this moment.











serious gaming on an upper level

1APP is a new kind of game. Half of us play 1APP on the screen – the other half we play in the real world, outside, together.

We experience our world in a new way. Players from all parts of the society challenge each other in fields across the city.

In a lively community there is something for everyone. Experience events in a new way, work actively on projects and get to know companies in your region in a completely new way: in the game.

If you have enough players in your city, 1APP is a lot of fun. The social impact of the game is higher than in almost any other app.











think global

1APP is often perceived as an „alternative economy“ or an opponent to our monetary economic system. That’s not the case.

For people in wealthy industrialized countries, 1APP is an alternative because money works well there. In many countries, making money works, but trading no longer works.

Many countries are economically on the ground, with no way out, no chance, no future. 1APP includes a new model of society that countries / regions can work with when there is no money.

Applied widely, 1APP provides people with work, wages, trade and reliable structures that are very similar to those of capitalism.

1APP can finance billions of salaries and expenses within a week with just a few clicks, without the state having to touch its own money.

1APP is visionary, but it works. And so it is also something very important for the people in the countries we go to: It is the hope for a real, new chance – for a life in dignity – for peace – and a future worth living in for the next generation.